Interview with Juice Factory in Troy

Troy continues to have so many new and fun places to check out. I spoke with the owner of Juice Factory and asked her about how she got started. Check out the interview below. #biteme #localequalsgood


When were you bitten by the entrepreneurial bug?

I’ve always wanted to write and follow my own rules, once laid off of my corporate job, I decided I would be just that and open a Juice Bar.

Is there one product you sell that represents you or “started it all”?

My smoothie products that I sell represents me because they come in a variety of flavors which represents the sweet side of me. 

Any advice for someone thinking about starting their own business?

My advice would be for you to do your homework, and research as well and writing down and organizing what your place of business will be, stand for, and what culture/age group are you targeting. Make sure to know the demographics. 

What makes you passionate about what you do?

What makes me so passionate about what I’m doing is the master the craft of mixology. I love staying current as well and staying ahead of the trends. 

If you had it to do over again, is there anything you would do differently?

If I had to do it all over again, I would purchase my own building and put all 3 of my businesses in one location that would thrive off of each other. 

How has COVID-19 affected you?  

Yes indeed! Who hasn’t been affected by this? I’ve adapted to the mere fact of things never really going back to normal, adapting to servicing my customers, staff as well as myself in a safe environment that is semi-welcoming. It’s not the cozy warm feeling you get when you look to the left or right if you with people with masks on.