Interview with Detox Box Delivered

If you’re looking for a delicious and healthy way to start the day, check out Detox Box Delivered. They offer a wide range of flavors and everything is organic and non-GMO. Use code BiteMe for 10% off your first order. Below is an interview I did with the owner, Laura. Cheers to your health!


When were you bitten by the entrepreneurial bug?

When I ended my career to be a stay-at-home mom to my first son (about 5 years ago). Up until that point I was always working and studying for my second degree, so when I started my time at home I immediately got antsy. That’s when I began planning how I would start my next “project.”

Is there one product you sell that represents you or “started it all”?

Smoothies are our life! I’ve been making smoothies regularly since I moved out on my own at 21 years old. Right before we had our first son we wanted to bring something healthy and easy to the community so we started our little mobile smoothie business, The Smoothie Shoppe. It really became our life and people were referring to us as “the smoothie guys.” We loved it and embraced it, and it was genuinely a fun time for us to be out in the community serving something healthy for everyone to enjoy.

Any advice for someone thinking about starting their own business?

Go for it and don’t look back! Have a plan, but don’t overthink every little detail. Improve things as you go, listen to your customers, and ask for feedback. My husband and I read a lot of books, listened to business podcasts, and even took a few classes, but actually DOING it was the best learning experience! I would recommend The Lean Startup by Eric Ries for anyone looking to just get started. 

What makes you passionate about wholesome ingredients/health?

I was always into healthy eating and exercising, but it wasn’t until my brother was diagnosed with cancer when I was 21 years old that I started really taking my health seriously. I went out and bought my first blender and juicer, and made my health a priority. I do believe that food is medicine and that it can completely change your life. One day of healthy eating can change my mood, how I view myself, and can affect other choices surrounding my health that day (such as choosing to work out or read a book instead of mindlessly scrolling social media). It’s like a domino effect.

If you had it to do over again, is there anything you would do differently? 

I would have started so much sooner! I did a TON of researching and months of trying to plan it out “perfectly,” and all it did was delay the process. 


How has COVID-19 affected you?

Thankfully we are food delivery only, so I set the business up to help people eat healthy in their own home. We have been a little worried about our suppliers not having certain products if this continues for a long time period but I try to just focus  on the fact that we are still going strong!