Hot Fudge

Sundaes Best Original Hot Fudge Sauce

Ahhhh the ultimate combination of hot fudge and ice cream. If you are fortunate enough to have Sundaes Best hot fudge sauce on your sundae then you are really in luck.

Katie, the owner started this business 10 years ago using her mother-in-laws recipe.  She quit her corporate job and launched with one flavor. Today you can choose from over 10 varieties including hazelnut, peanut butter and orange.  When I walked inside her commercial kitchen it smelled like something out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  Luckily, Katie had a freezer full of vanilla ice cream and after heating up her hot fudge, she assembled a sundae for me using her sundae making expertise.   First, she poured a generous amount of hot fudge in the bowl (because who wants to get to the bottom of the bowl and be out of toppings already!), then she topped it with 2 heaping scoops of ice cream, poured on more hot fudge so that the ratio of hot fudge to ice cream is about 1:1 at this point (shaping up to be my kind of sundae!).  Top it with whipped cream and you guessed it, more hot fudge.  Add nuts, sprinkles etc. and enjoy!  I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed both my sundae and hanging out with Kate while we shot “Bite Me.” Sundaes Best could make everyday the best if you get to eat this!
